Daivagya Raghavji Sarasvati
Special Combination of Planets today 13 September 2020; Time 11.00 AM to 01.18 PM. , Place Rishikesh, Uttrarakhand , India.
Ascendant will be Scorpio, Jupiter in own sign Sagittarius with exalted Ketu in 2nd house, Saturn in own sign Capricorn in 3rd house. Mars in own sign Aries in 6th house, Rahu in Gemini exalted in 8th house. Moon in own sign Cancer in the 9th house with Venus. Sun in own sign Leo, in the 10th house. Mercury in own sign in Virgo in the 11th house.
Such auspicious combination of planets comes once in many hundred years. Under such combination great souls will be born, who will free humanity from evolutionary bondage. This is a unique combination of planets in Transit.