
Aditya Hridaya Stotra Two

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Aditya Hridaya Stotra

सभी देवता इनके रूप हैं, ये देवता ( सूर्य ) अपने तेज और किरणों से जगत को स्फूर्ति प्रदान करते हैं। ये ही अपनी किरणों ( रश्मियों ) से देवता और असुरगण आदि सभी लोकों का पालन करते हैं।। ये ही ब्रह्मा, शिव, स्कन्द, प्रजापति, इंद्र, कुबेर, काल, समय, यम, चन्द्रमा, वरुण आदि को प्रकट करने वाले हैं।।

Sarva-Deva-[A]atmako Hy[i]-Essah Tejasvii Rashmi-Bhaavanah |
Essa Deva-Asura-Gannaan Lokaan Paati Gabhastibhih ||7||

7.1: (Salutations to the Sun God) He carries the essence of splendour of all the Devas (Sarva Deva Atmaka), and is filled with Fiery Energy (Tejasvi) which He manifests in His Rays (Rashmi Bhavana),
7.2: He protects the Lokas of the Devas and Asuras by His Rays (filled with Tejas),
Essa Brahmaa Ca Vissnnush-Ca Shivah Skandah Prajaapatih |
Maahendro Dhanadah Kaalo Yamas-Somo Hy[i]-Apaam Patih ||8||

8.1: (Salutations to the Sun God) He is Brahma, and He is Vishnu; He is Shiva and He is Skanda; He is Prajapati,
8.2: He is Maahendra (Indra Deva), He is Dhanada (God of Wealth), He is Kala (God of Time), He is Yama (God of Death), He is Soma (Moon God) and he indeed is the Lord of Water (Varuna Deva),

पितरो वसवः साध्या ह्यश्विनौ मरुतो मनुः ।
वायुर्वह्निः प्रजाप्राणः ऋतुकर्ता प्रभाकरः ।।9।।
आदित्यः सविता सूर्यः खगः पूषा गभस्तिमान् ।
सुवर्णसदृशो भानुः हिरण्यरेता दिवाकरः ।।10।।

ये पितरों, वसु, साध्य, अश्विनीकुमारों, मरुदगण, मनु, वायु, अग्नि, प्रजा, प्राण और ऋतुओं को जन्म देने वाले प्रभा के पुंज हैं। इनके नाम आदित्य, सविता ( जगत को उत्पन्न करने वाले ), सूर्य (सर्व व्याप्त), खग, पूषा, गभस्तिमान (प्रकाशमान), सुवर्णसदृश, भानु, हिरण्येता, दिवाकर और।।

Pitaro Vasavas-Saadhyaah Hy[i]-Ashvinau Maruto Manuh |
Vaayur-Vahnih Prajaa-Praannaa Rtu-Kartaa Prabhaa-Karah ||9||

9.1: (Salutations to the Sun God) (Being the primal force) He indeed is the ancestor of all, including Vasus, Sadhyas, Ashwins, Maruts and Manu,
9.2: He is the Wind (Vayu) and the Fire (Vahni) outside, and resides as the Prana of his offsprings inside; He is the creator of different Seasons (Ritus) and fills everything with Splendour,

Aadityah Savitaa Suuryah Khagah Puussaa Gabhastimaan |
Suvarnna-Sadrsho Bhaanur-Hirannya-Reto Divaakarah ||10||

10.1: (Salutations to the Sun God) The Surya, the son of Aditi (Aditya), the great Planet (Khaga), is the vivifier of all (Savita); He is full of Rays (Gabhastiman) and Nourishes all (Pusha),
10.2: His Lustre is like Gold (Suvarna Sadrisha Bhanu), which emanates from his Golden Seeds (Hiranya Reta) and creates the Bright Day for us (Divakara),

हरिदश्वः सहस्रार्चिः सप्तसप्ति-र्मरीचिमान् ।
तिमिरोन्मथनः शम्भुः त्वष्टा मार्ताण्डको‌ऽशुमान् ।।11।।
हिरण्यगर्भः शिशिरः तपनो भास्करो रविः ।
अग्निगर्भो‌दितेः पुत्रः शङ्खः शिशिरनाशनः ।।12।।

हरिदश्व, सहस्रार्चि, सप्तसप्ति (सात घोड़ों वाले ), मरीचिमान (किरणों से सुशोभित ), तिमिरोमन्थन (अंधकार का नाश करने वाले ), शम्भु, त्वष्टा, मार्तन्डक, अंशुमान, हिरण्यगर्भ, शिशिर ( स्वाभाव से सुख प्रदान करने वाले ), तपन ( गर्मी उत्पन्न करने वाले ), भास्कर, रवि, अग्निगर्भ, अदितीपुत्र, शङ्ख, शिशिरनाशन (शीत का करने वाले ) और।।

Harid-Ashvas-Sahasra-Arcis-Sapta-Saptir-Mariicimaan |
Timiro[a-U]nmathanash-Shambhus-Tvassttaa Maartaanndda Amshumaan ||11||

11.1: (Salutations to the Sun God) Thousands of Light Rays come out of Him like Reddish-Yellow Horses; His Seven Horses (Seven Colours of Light) producing the Light,
11.2: He removes the Darkness (Timira) (of both outside and inside) and makes us Joyful; He floats in the Sky like a huge Bird (Martanda), the Bird of Light, the Bird which emits Light,Hirannya-Garbhash-Shishiras-Tapano Bhaaskaro Ravih |
Agni-Garbho[a-A]diteh Putrah Shangkhash-Shishira-Naashanah ||12||

12.1 (Salutations to the Sun God) His Golden Womb (Hiranya Garbha) burns the Dew (representing underlying substance) and making Light (Bhaskara) shines in the Sky as the Sun (Ravi),
12.2: The Womb of Fire (Agni Garbha) of the Son of Aditi sounds His Conch, which awakens us and destroys our Frigidity (Inertness),

व्योमनाथ स्तमोभेदी ऋग्यजुःसाम-पारगः ।
धनावृष्टि-रपां मित्रो विन्ध्यवीथी प्लवङ्गमः ।।13।।
आतपी मण्डली मृत्युः पिङ्गलः सर्वतापनः ।
कविर्विश्वो महातेजा रक्तः सर्वभवोद्भवः ।।14।।

व्योमनाथ, तमभेदी, ऋग यजु और सामवेद के पारगामी, धनवृष्टि, अपाम मित्र ( जल उत्पन्न करने वाले ), विन्ध्यवीथिप्लवंग (आकाश में तीव्र गति से चलने वाले ), आतपी, मंडली, मृत्यु, पिंगल ( जिनका भूरा रंग है ), सर्वतापन (सभी को तप देने वाले ), कवि, विश्व, महातेजस्वी, रक्त, सर्वभवोद्भव (सब की उत्पत्ति के कारण ) हैं।।

Vyoma-Naathas-Tamo-Bhedii Rg-Yajus-Saama-Paaragah |
Ghana-Vrssttir-Apaam Mitro Vindhya-Viithii-Plavanggamah ||13||

13.1: (Salutations to the Sun God) He is the Lord of the Sky (Vyoma Natha) who breaks the Darkness (of the Sky every morning) (Tamo Vedhi), (as well as the Darkness of Ignorance within us), He being the knower of Rig, Yajur and Sama (Vedas),
13.2: He is the cause of Heavy Rains and is the friend of the Water; He crosses the Vindhya mountains by jumps (i.e. moves speedily across the Sky),

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