
Aditya Hridaya Stotra four

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Aditya Hridaya Stotra

Naashayaty[i]-Essa Vai Bhuutam Tad-Eva Srjati Prabhuh |
Paayaty[i]-Essa Tapaty[i]-Essa Varssaty[i]-Essa Gabhastibhih ||22||

22.1: (Salutations to Him) He indeed is the Lord Destroying the Beings, and He indeed is the Lord Creating the Beings,
22.2: He drinks (the Water) by His Rays, Heats the Water, and again Rains (the same Water),

एष सुप्तेषु जागर्ति भूतेषु परिनिष्ठितः ।
एष एवाग्निहोत्रं च फलं चैवाग्नि होत्रिणाम् ।। 23।।
वेदाश्च क्रतवश्चैव क्रतूनां फलमेव च ।
यानि कृत्यानि लोकेषु सर्व एष रविः प्रभुः ।।24।।
यही देव सभी भूतों में अन्तर्स्थित होकर उनके सो जाने पर भी जागते रहते हैं, यही अग्निहोत्री कहलाते हैं और अग्निहोत्री पुरुषों को मिलने वाले फल हैं।
ये ही वेद, यज्ञ और यज्ञ से मिलने वाले फल हैं, यह देव सम्पूर्ण लोकों की क्रियाओं का फल देने वाले हैं।।
Essa Suptessu Jaagarti Bhuutessu Parinisstthitah |
Essa Cai[a-E]va-Agnihotram Ca Phalam Cai[a-E]va-Agnihotrinnaam ||23||

23.1 (Salutations to Him) He remains awake when the beings sleep, by abiding within those very beings,
23.2: He indeed is the fruit of the Agnihotra which is sought after by the Agnihotrins (Performers of the Agnihotra),Vedaash-Ca Kratavash-Cai[a-E]va Kratuunaam Phalam-Eva Ca |
Yaani Krtyaani Lokessu Sarva Essa Ravih Prabhuh ||24||

24.1: (Salutations to Him) He indeed is the Vedic Sacrifice, and He indeed is the Fruit of those Sacrifices,
24.2: Whatever works are to be performed in the World, He, the Ravi (Sun God) is the Lord of all those (Being the Power behind),
फलश्रुति (Results of its recitation)

एन मापत्सु कृच्छ्रेषु कान्तारेषु भयेषु च ।
कीर्तयन् पुरुषः कश्चिन्-नावशीदति राघव ।।25।।
पूजयस्वैन मेकाग्रो देवदेवं जगत्पतिम् ।
एतत् त्रिगुणितं जप्त्वा युद्धेषु विजयिष्यसि ।।26।।
राघव! विपत्ति में, कष्ट में, कठिन मार्ग में और किसी भय के समय जो भी सूर्य देव का कीर्तन करता है, उसे दुःख नहीं सहना ( भोगना ) पड़ता।
तुम एकाग्रचित होकर इन जगतपति देवादिदेव का पूजन करो, इसका ( आदित्य हृदय स्तोत्र ) तीन बार जप करने से तुम अवश्य ही युद्ध में विजय पाओगे।।Enam-Aapatsu Krcchressu Kaantaaressu Bhayessu Ca |
Kiirtayan Purussah Kashcin-Na-Avasiidati Raaghava ||25||

25.1: (Salutations to the Sun God) (By Praising) Him during Calamities, during Hardships, in Forests and when Afraid, …
25.2: … By Praising Him no person sinks down (in Despair or Fear), O Raghava (for He fills him with His Power)Puujayasvai[a-E]nam-Ekaagro Deva-Devam Jagat-Patim |
Etat-Tri-Gunnitam Japtvaa Yuddhessu Vijayissyasi ||26||

26.1: (Salutations to the Sun God) By worshipping Him with one-pointed Devotion, by worshipping that Lord of the Devas Who is the Master of the Universe, …
26.2: … by repeating this (Aditya Hridayam) three times, You will be victorious in this Battle (O Rama),

अस्मिन् क्षणे महाबाहो रावणं त्वं वधिष्यसि ।
एवमुक्त्वा तदागस्त्यो जगाम च यथागतम् ।।27।।
एतच्छ्रुत्वा महातेजाः नष्टशोको‌ऽभवत्-तदा ।
धारयामास सुप्रीतो राघवः प्रयतात्मवान् ।।28।।हे महाबाहो ! इसी क्षण तुम रावण का वध कर सकोगे, इस प्रकार मुनि अगस्त्य जिस प्रकार आये थे उसी प्रकार लौट गए।
तब इस प्रकार [अगस्त्य मुनि का उपदेश ] सुनकर महातेजस्वी राम जी का शोक दूर हो गया, प्रसन्न और प्रयत्नशील होकर।।Asmin Kssanne Mahaa-Baaho Raavannam Tvam Vadhissyasi |
Evam-Uktvaa Tato-[A]gastyo Jagaama Ca Yatha[a-A]agatam ||27||

27.1: (Salutations to the Sun God) At the right moment (very soon), O (Rama) of Mighty Arms, You will slay Ravana,
27.2: Having said thus, sage Agastya then went back in the manner he came,Etac-Chrutvaa Mahaa-Tejaah Nasstta-Shoko-[A]bhavat-Tadaa |
Dhaarayaamaasa Supriito Raaghavah Prayata-[A]atmavaan ||28||

28.1: (Salutations to the Sun God) Hearing this (Aditya Hridayam), (Sri Rama) of great Splendour, then became free from all worries,
28.2: Raghava, of Pious heart, then assumed a delightful appearance,

आदित्यं प्रेक्ष्य जप्त्वा तु परं हर्षमवाप्तवान् ।

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