
About Us

“Astrology is a Language. If you understand this language, The Sky Speaks to You.”

Astrology has remedies and solutions for all the issues, worries, and struggles of life that result in stress for the human body. It is a personal approach that permits you to know yourself and the elements that influence the finance, health, career, love, and relationships. It is good to consult our respected astrologers before deciding to take an important decision that will impact your relationships, career, or money matters. We have powered our business by keeping our eyes on the target approach and having an inventive spirit. The basic philosophy of our organization believes that no true success can be attained until there is complete and focused involvement of the entire staff in all its activities.
Jaimini Astro is located in Dehradun, Uttrakhand, we have highly experienced astrologer Sudhir Raghav Ji who is our chief astrologer with twenty years of experience in this field. Raghav Ji is one of the famous astrologers who has completed his studies in astrology. Today he is well-known among the people due to amazing skills that he possesses in the field of Vedic astrology. Most of the predictions made by our astrologer are true and many people have got benefit from it.
We have 10 more astrologers on our panel, our astrologers help to strike better relationships and make reliable adjustments to various aspects of your life with the help of Vedic astrology. The Vedic astrology comes with twelve different houses that have their own importance in the life of an individual.
The first house is most important as it denotes the personality as well as physical features of an individual. Second house is all about fortune, power, wealth as well as other achievements. It represents an individual’s capacity to make wealth. The third house states about an individual’s ability and courage to achieve success. Fourth house tells about the individual home as well as domestic affairs. The fifth house rules a person’s creativity and the ability to have talents. Sixth house completely rules on an individual’s health, his diet habits as well as possible diseases. The seventh house is all about the quality of relationships in partnership and marriage. Eight house is very powerful which determines an individual’s longevity as well as inheritance. The ninth house of Vedic astrology tells about the individual fate and also fortune. Tenth house is a house of profession which relates to everything that affects native’s honor, recognition and name. A person’s social circle income and its quality are ruled by the eleventh house. The twelfth house of Vedic astrology tells whether losses or expenses are supposed or not.
You can easily get rid of mishaps planetary positions cause through Vedic astrology, while you can also know beforehand about the pleasant and unpleasant effects that are going to take place in your life. Therefore, our Vedic astrologers are well known among the people for their spiritual understanding and expertise in directing remedial measures..

Our Guru

Neem Karoli Baba

Neem Karoli Baba – This name is more popular among his foreign devotees. He is best known as the mentor of many Americans who came to India in the 60s and 70s. Neem Karoli Baba or Maharajji is counted among the greatest saints of the twentieth century. His birth place is village Akbarpur district Firozabad Uttar Pradesh which is 500 meters away from Hirangaon.
Baba Neem Karoli was an ardent devotee of Hanumanji and had built many temples of Hanumanji all over the country. He had about 108 Hanuman temples built in his life. Presently, he also has temples in Texas, including India. Baba got international recognition in the 1960s. He is known to be a great counsellor and help to Apple founder Steve Jobs and Facebook foundder Mark Zuckerberg. Baba was a miraculous man. Suddenly disappearing or appearing, fixing the difficulty of the devotees ahead of time, making the body fat or thin at will, etc. His devotees discuss many miracles. Baba’s influence was so much that when he used to organize a temple establishment or a bhandare etc., he would not know from where donations and support came up and yet the noble work was done well. He did a lot for the welfare of people and poors.

Our Founder

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